2018-08-08 20:20:00

August 7th at the Century Park Hotel, Bangkok, The Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand held a one-day seminar / workshop with industrial sectors in Thailand to discuss a Master Plan on Chemicals and Hazardous Substance which was drafted by a consulting firm. The Master Plan will be refined and completed by this October.


The number of attendees were around 200 persons in the morning session and around 50 persons for the afternoon session.


 seminar 2 aug 7 2018.jpg


One-day Seminar / Workshop at Century Park Hotel, Bangkok


Organizers for the seminar / workshop introduced the position of the drafted Master Plan as follows;


1. Study the procedures on collection of information for the management of chemicals and hazardous substances in accordance with relevant laws including plans and work plans related to chemicals / hazardous substances.


2. Analyze the barriers to managing chemicals / hazardous substances that affect health, the environment and the economy and to propose solutions to address problems and obstacles.


3. Prepare Master Plan for the Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Substances targeted period of between 2562 (A.D. 2019) and 2569(A.D. 2026).


Details can be seen by clicking the portion below highlited in blue.



pdf minute diw seminar opening remarks aug 7th 2018.pdf (0.99MB)




The conceptual, educational and kind of irritating framework approach for the Master Plan on Chemicals reminds me of a contrastive survey [1] , conducted by Sriviriyanupap W. et al., entitled “ Developing indicators and method of drug classification according to Thai law” which had intended to reclassify the complexed categories of various drugs in Thailand with a budget from Thai Food & Drug Administration.


The survey pointed out that the Drug Act B.E. 2510 did not clarify the obvious criteria, indicators & methods of the registered drug classification before and should be harmonized with other countries.






We do hope that the drafted Master Plan on Chemicals by DIW should be more and more practical and useful with the involvement of regulatory experts in chemicals for major players, particularly industrial sectors who make every effort in keeping compliance for various regulations around the globe.



2018-08-04 14:15:00

Key points:


An announcement on Data Base by Vietnam Chemicals Agency (Vinachemia), Vietnamese Government; 


We can download the data from the web site at;



Draft version of the “National Chemicals Inventory” was made public in March 2017.


Substance which had already listed on the “National Chemicals Inventory” or “International Chemicals inventory”, prepared by Vietnamese Government was not regarded as new substance in accordance with Law on Chemical. At present, the two inventories have not been available to the public.


It might be preferable for players to register their products to the Inventory which enables them to save cost in application for new substances.  On the other hand, activities in apply for the Inventory were postponed.


Several years are expected to build the new substance registration system. Therefore, it should be encouraged to apply procedures in priority setting when restarting the system.





The information above was brought us in personal communication with an expert for "Law on Chemical", Vietnam.


For your reference; 

Some Japanese sectors such as The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), a part of Japanese Government has been taking major role in development of this Data Base.

2018-07-21 15:36:00

Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. is going to deliver the second presentation [1] at TAKINOGAWA KAIKAN HALL [2] , Tokyo from 12:30 to 14:30 on October 19, 2018. The seminar will be organized by a renowned publishing company, “JOHO KIKO CO., LTD”, located on Tokyo.




                            TAKINOGAWA KAIKAN HALL, Tokyo     Sourvce: from the website


He intends to explain some important topics / regulations which he had not mentioned  in the First Seminar such as ;


  Thai RoHS in complicated situation and 'a' reason why it has been stuck since 2008.

   e-waste and plastic regulation, particularly food contact materials

  Minamata Convention and its domestic implementation in Thailand

  Process Safety Management Regulation*


Please do not hesitate of joying the Second seminar. He will review the First Seminar in the beginning of the Second Seminar.


 * Added on August 29 and September 23.




2018-07-20 12:36:00

We introduced on an article issued in this month at Tokyo that THAILAND EXISTING CHEMICALS INVENTORY OPERATED BY Thai Food and Drug Administration [T-FDA (TECI)] could not access due to some unknown reasons through





Now you can access it from the web site at;


We really appreciated a Japanes regulatory professional who informed us the new web site above.

2018-05-10 11:08:00


Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. was invited to a seminar as lecturer, organized by Thai branch of Chemical Club whose organizer was The Chemical Daily [1], a renowned newspaper. The seminar will start from 16:00 on June 1st, 2018 at Emporium Suites Hotel, Bangkok [2].


 emporium suites hotel.jpg

Emporium Suites Hotel [Source: from the website]


He is going to explain the key points and issues of Thai way of Chemical Risk Assessment Mechanism (T-RAM) for members of Chemical Club. The presentation will be delivered in Japanese language, using special text which will be written in both Japanese and English.


HS-TECH ENGINEERING identifies lots of issues / obstacles to be overcome in T-RAM. Particularly he intends to clarify the role sharing of conducting risk assessment on existing chemicals and new chemicals for human and the Environment in comparison with Chemical Substance Control Law (CSCL), European REACH Regulation and Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) as well as outlines of calculating major “endpoints”


