2018-01-10 12:45:00

The core elements of the Chemical Risk Assessment in Thailand are;


1) Priority List

2) Toxic List

3) Hazard score

4) Exposure score

5) Persistence/Bioaccumulation Score

6) Hazard assessment value

7) High risk substance 

8) Concern of Risk


Portion of the Hazard Score

hazard score DIW THAIKAND.jpg

2018-01-06 18:02:00

Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. will deliver two presentations on Thai chemicals regulations in Tokyo, particularly he is thinking of focousing too much on core elements of Risk Assessment (RA) Methods whose system will be applied both existing chemicals and new chemicals which have fallen under some criteria, designated by the Department of Industrial Works (DIW).


The core elements of the RA are;

1) Priority List

2) Toxic List

3) Hazard score

4) Exposure score

5) Persistence/Bioaccumulation Score

6) Hazard assessment value

7) High risk substance 

8) Concern of Risk


Portion of the Hazard Score


  Hazard Score
  High-3 Moderate-2 Low-1
c) Mutagenicity/Genotoxicity      
GHS hazard categories for germ cell mutagens GHS category 1A, 1B Positive in vivo or in vitro Negative 
  GHS category 2    
d) Reproductive Toxicity      
GHS hazard categories for reproductive toxicants GHS category 1A, 1B GHS category 2 Non-specific secondary
      consequence of reproduction
TSCA Work Plan Chemicals: Method Document 2012      
              Oral (mg/kg/day) <50 50-250 >250
              Dermal (mg/kg/day) <100 100-500 >500
              Inhalation (gas/vapor) (mg/L/day) <1 1-2.5 >2.5
              Inhalation (mist/dust) (mg/L/day) <0.1 0.1-0.5 >0.5



The Risk Assessment Procedure might require importers / manufacturers to conduct human and environmental risk assessment through the core elements and to prepare risk assessment report. 


Two times of  session for one and half hour seminar, organized by a publishing company  will be held in the afternoon of April 13.


Thai food

2017-12-05 17:13:00

A publishing company in Tokyo requested us to introduce details of the Thai way of Chemical Risk Assessment Mechanism for Japanese readers through a major journal in Japan. We'regoing to translate core elements of the presentation materials to English and Japanese which were used at the Risk Assessment Seminar  in Bangkok in November. Manuscript will be prepared both in English and Japanese. Note that the English version shall be original.


page 2 seminar nov 13 2017.jpg



Figure  A portion of Simple version of Chemical Risk Management Mechanism


2017-11-23 15:31:00

You are able to download a Thai version of minutes on the Risk Assessment Seminar, co-hosted by the Department of Industrial Works (DIW) and Mahidol University by clicking the portion highlited in blue;


 minute seminar diw nov 13 2017 thai.jpg






All information provided in official HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. Web site is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on official company websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. makes no guarantees of any kind. In no event shall the HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource.





Shinya Hashimoto, President



2017-11-17 15:14:00

We could not know an implementation Schedule on the Risk Assessment System for industrial chemicals / substances from the second Seminar which was held on November 13th, 2017 in Bangkok. The objective of the Seminar might be just an introduction of the concept of Thai way of risk assessment procedures toward the upcoming regulation / obligation for to the tune of around 300 participants.