2019-02-14 11:37:00


The Chemical Daily, a renowned newspaper in Japan will invite Dr. Chayawee, a director for Pollution Control Department,
The Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, Thailand and Mr. Hashimoto as speakers of a seminar in Tokyo,

which is focousing only on regulatory status of Thailand associated with industrial chemicals.




The seminar will be held from 13:00 at Tokyo Garden Palace Hotel in Tokyo. Mr. Hashimoto is going to explain tips, below for enterprises to address issues, derives from various aspects including Thai culture.


·   CBI Rejection by DIW due to an inconsistency between some documents, prepared by a forwarder in the description of ingredient name and concentration. 

·   SDS and label requirements. 

·   Posed a fine of Penalty due to a discovery of hazardous substances in factory which had not notified to DIW. 

·   The reasons why agencies can not disclose criteria and who overcomes the tough situations?  

·   Lessons learned from experience above and countermeasures.


Outlines of the seminar can be seen on the web site at;