2020-06-26 12:32:00

We saw various stakeholders in paraquat and its related substances regulation in Thailand. You can download the timeline of the activities since 2016.


pdf june 25 2020 paraquat rev_0001.pdf (3.42MB)

2020-06-19 13:51:00

An article of THE THAI HEALTH 2019, entitled ‘The prolonged effort to ban paraquat in Thailand: The Toxic Substance Board Won’t Act’ showed in depth of the confusing history of paraquats.


 june 19 2020 thai paraquats.png





v  Pesticide use situation in Thailand

v  Paraquat is banned in more than 50 countries

v  The beginning of the battle to ban paraquat in Thailand

v  Various organizations unite to support the ban of paraquat

v  The Hazardous Substances Committee  resisting against banning paraquat

v  The Ombudsman called for the ban of Paraquat within one year, but Hazardous Substances Commission  continues to prolong its use

v  Conclusion


Please visit the web site at:


2020-06-16 16:37:00



19 May 2020

Royal Thai Government Gazette Website; Published the announcement of the Ministry of Industry; Hazardous Substances List (No. 6) B.E. 2020


23 May 2019

A key person voted that glyphosate should be canceled / removed from the type 4 substance and changed measure to limit use.

27 May 2020

Order of the Department of Agriculture (No. 750/2563); Implementation of Hazardous Substances type 4, responsible for the Department of Agriculture



27 May 2020

Secretary-general of the Safe Farming Confederation,  plaintiffs together with 11 people, filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Industry, including the Minister of Industry, the Hazardous Substance Committee  and the Department of Agriculture.



1 June 2020

Ban on " Paraquat - chlorpyrifos" are on the list of hazardous substances, designated by Hazardous Substance Act, effective from 1st June 2020

[chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, paraquat, paraquat dichloride, paraquat methosulfate are under the control of Department of Agriculture]



8 July 2020

A meeting of Draft of announced the Ministry of Public Health of food that have pesticide residue. A meeting on drafting of pesticide residues in food at the Ministry of Public Health.

14 June 2020

Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative counterattacks to groups that oppose to ban the 3 substance (Chlorpyrifos,Paraquat and glyphosate)


Until 30 June

1.Farmers shall return said products to shop within 90 days (1 June – 29 August 2020). Violation of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, a fine not exceeding one million baht.


2. Shop shall return said products to importer or manufacturer within 120 days (no later than September 28, 2020).


3. Manufacturers and importers Notify the quantity to the officer of the Bureau of Plant and Agricultural Material Control for collecting hazardous substance according to the form Wor Or. / Wor Kor. 5 within 270 days (Not later than 25 February 2021).



Until 18 July

Thai- FDA is in the process of accepting opinions on (draft) announcements from the Ministry of Public Health (No.?) B.E. ... issued under the Food Act B.E.2522 regarding food contains pesticide residues (Issue 3)

2020-06-15 12:24:00

ちくぎん地域経済研究所様のご厚意により、ちくぎん地域経済レポート No.0192016年春季号)に掲載された、「タイにおけるものつくり・ことつくり」をアップロード致しました。2016年作成ですが、納税の一部などを除き、ご参考にして頂ければと考えます。


pdf 200615122920-5ee6eb1091975 - Copy.pdf (1.13MB)




v  アセアン共同体始動

v  親日の国?

v  タイへの日本企業進出

v  タイにおける企業運営







v  タイへの進出

2020-06-08 13:47:00



pdf may 29 2020 タイ 新型コロナウイルス final edit3.pdf (1.55MB)














タイ国エネルギー省が協賛するASEAN域内最大規模の「Asean Sustainable Energy Week(アセアン持続可能エネルギー週間)(注1)」の日程がつい最近、916日から18日にかけてバンコク都内BITEC展示場で開催されることが決定したようです(注2)。このイベントは、611日から13日の予定でしたが、時期を定めず順延となっていました。


同期間中、International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference and Exhibition (iEVTech 2020) & CEO eMobility Forum (国際電気自動車技術展示会・国際会議)もBITEC展示場で開催されます。


(注1) 出展予定品目




