2019-10-16 20:08:00

Major revisions from the version in April were below;


Section-4; Deleted the definition on the Article.


Section-36; Defined the representative who may apply registration and conducts chemical risk assessment on behalf of manufacturer.

2019-10-10 11:10:00

We saw some importers / forwarders in Thailand rejected to conduct ‘ONLINE CONSULTATION’, a web based input procedure for an essential part of entire CBI application system.


It might be natural for stakeholders who handle chemicals tend to know 100% of composition to prevent from any risks / incidents associated with undisclosed substances. Because, almost all of them who do not have enough knowledge in toxicology need to maintain safety as well as getting peace of mind! We should think of that.


Until now, ONLINE CONSULTATION allows only importers / forwarders to input general information which did not involve CBI.  So, a representative of manufacturer like HS-TECH was not able to input general information. It was only CBI in which HS-TECH can get involved.


Now, we will provide you with another way on conducting ONLINE CONSULTATION by HS-TECH itself as a representative for an applicant.


Please get in touch with us for more solutions.


Hashimoto Shinya, President


2019-09-02 10:37:00

The Chemical Daily Co., Ltd. is going to hold a Chemical Material Japan 2019 during this September 18th and 19th at Pacifico Yokohama, Japan.


Mr. Hashimoto joins the exhibition as a business partner for TECHNOHILL, a Japan based consultancy, which is specializing in chemical management fields in collaboration with British consulting company, named yordas.


He will outline the status on regulatory issues in Thailand at M-5 booth of TECHNOHILL Co., Ltd. such as Confidential Business Information Application-------.


From 13:15 to 13:45, Mr. Suzuki, President of TECHNOHILL will outline the current regulatory status in Europe, Taiwan and Thailand at C1-6 area. Mr. Hashimoto also supports him in his presentation.




Exhibition Hall, Pacifico Yokohama






化学工業日報社は今月18日から19日、ケミカルマテリアルジャパン2019をパシフィコ横浜にて開催します。 HS-TECH ENGINEERINGの橋本もテクノヒル様のパートナーとして、この展示会に出展および参加します。テクノヒル様の「M-5ブース」にお越しいただければ、タイの法規制情況について、お話しいたします。





2019-07-25 19:08:00

poster_hstechjune TECHNOHILL june 18 2019 - Copy.jpg

2019-07-23 12:06:00

The Chemical Daily, a renowned newspaper, specializing in chemical matters worldwide is going to hold an exhibition named Chemical Material Japan 2019 [1] during September 18 and 19 at PACIFICO Yokohama[2].


HS-TECH ENGINEERING will attend the exhibition in the booth of TECHNOHILL as a partner firm for the company. Mr. Hashimoto is waiting for your visit at the booth.




