2018-08-04 14:15:00

Key points:


An announcement on Data Base by Vietnam Chemicals Agency (Vinachemia), Vietnamese Government; 


We can download the data from the web site at;



Draft version of the “National Chemicals Inventory” was made public in March 2017.


Substance which had already listed on the “National Chemicals Inventory” or “International Chemicals inventory”, prepared by Vietnamese Government was not regarded as new substance in accordance with Law on Chemical. At present, the two inventories have not been available to the public.


It might be preferable for players to register their products to the Inventory which enables them to save cost in application for new substances.  On the other hand, activities in apply for the Inventory were postponed.


Several years are expected to build the new substance registration system. Therefore, it should be encouraged to apply procedures in priority setting when restarting the system.





The information above was brought us in personal communication with an expert for "Law on Chemical", Vietnam.


For your reference; 

Some Japanese sectors such as The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), a part of Japanese Government has been taking major role in development of this Data Base.