2019-09-02 10:37:00

The Chemical Daily Co., Ltd. is going to hold a Chemical Material Japan 2019 during this September 18th and 19th at Pacifico Yokohama, Japan.


Mr. Hashimoto joins the exhibition as a business partner for TECHNOHILL, a Japan based consultancy, which is specializing in chemical management fields in collaboration with British consulting company, named yordas.


He will outline the status on regulatory issues in Thailand at M-5 booth of TECHNOHILL Co., Ltd. such as Confidential Business Information Application-------.


From 13:15 to 13:45, Mr. Suzuki, President of TECHNOHILL will outline the current regulatory status in Europe, Taiwan and Thailand at C1-6 area. Mr. Hashimoto also supports him in his presentation.




Exhibition Hall, Pacifico Yokohama






化学工業日報社は今月18日から19日、ケミカルマテリアルジャパン2019をパシフィコ横浜にて開催します。 HS-TECH ENGINEERINGの橋本もテクノヒル様のパートナーとして、この展示会に出展および参加します。テクノヒル様の「M-5ブース」にお越しいただければ、タイの法規制情況について、お話しいたします。

