2018-11-10 13:42:00


Risk based chemicals and hazardous substances management throughout product life cycle with cooperation from all sectors



Development of chemicals and hazardous substances management in systematical manner.

Measurement 1;

Establishment of a national organization for the national chemical management.

Development of legal tools

Development of risk based chemical management processes

Upgrading Chemical Management Mechanisms, district level


                                                              Table Schedule of Measure-1 

master plan on chemicals aug 7 2018 - web site nov 11.jpg 


Development of data base for supporting the management of chemicals and hazardous substances.

Measurement 2;

Upgrading of database in the agency

Preparation of National Chemical Inventory

Database links to upgrade utilization

Development of environment factors to support the database



Enhancing skills and knowledge of stakeholders at all levels.

Measurement 3;

Development of  tool / way on chemical and hazardous substance

Development of  knowledge transfer process to Thai

Train up specialists and personnel in the management of chemicals and hazardous substances


Integrating to strengthen cooperation both internal and international.

Measurement 4;

Enhancing role of stakeholders in the management of chemicals and hazardous substances

Establishment of cooperation mechanisms between sectors

Upgrading of international cooperation


Details of the schedule will be available for a charge upon request.