2020-09-17 20:48:00





タイ国工業省 産業規制局 有害物質管理部 技監

   Jariya Mitroupathump(チャリヤ ミトゥローパタム)


タイ国工業省 産業規制局 有害物質管理部 有害物質管理委員会事務局 課長

   Thanatorn Yoadsomsuay(タナトーン ユアソムスアイ)



   橋本 真也


HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. Sciences Manager

   Sasiton Treeprak




   Weeranuch Kamolrungvarakul (Nuch)


   (ウェラヌッチ カモルンウァラックル)


















2020-09-15 13:43:00

On October 16th, JOHO-KIKO, a major publishing company, based on Tokyo and HS-TECH in Bangkok are going to co-hold a half day webinar with key officials in The Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand.


Two officials will come to the office of HS-TECH and introduce in-depth of DIW’s new launched Existing Chemicals Inventory, tips on Confidential Business Information (CBI) application procedures.  In addtion to the presentations by DIW’s officials, Ms. Sasiton Treeprak, Sciences Manager of HS-TECH. will explain the difference / overlaps in each requirement between The Hazardous Substance Act and The Chemical Act, drafted by Thai Food and Drug Administration (T-FDA).


The webinar will start from 13:00 (Japan Standard Time) and continues until 16:50.


A website of this seminar will soon be available and can apply at the site for attendance.

2020-09-01 11:56:00


SUBTITLE: An Existing Chemicals Inventory and Thai Way of New Chemical Management Mechanism


Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH ENGINEERING and its staffs are going to contribute a paper to a Japanese major chemical management journal, regarding the current status on Industrial Chemicals Regulation in Thailand. The Journal will be published in the mid of November.


Outlines of the contents were;


Chapter-1. Outlines of Existing Chemicals Inventory, operated by DIW

v  11,471 substances were listed on the data base.

v  Two new concepts,

1) chemical management code was introduced.

2) Low Concerned Chemicals(LCC), General Chemicals (GC), Chemicals of Concerned and High Concerned Chemicals (CHC).

v  Around 75 % of chemicals are still under data validation or data collection


Chapter-2. Chemicals Risk Management Approach for Existing Chemicals

v  Flow Chart on Risk Management Approach


Chapter-3. Development on the New Chemicals Management Mechanism

v  Thai Way of Chemical Risk Evaluation

v  Procedures on identification of Priority Substances and Toxicity Substances

v  Establish New Chemicals Management Mechanism for LCC, GC, CoC and CHC


 sept 1 2020 mechanism DIW.png


Chapter-4. Challenges for players with whom get involved

v  Cope with GC and LCC

v  Learn Thai Way of Chemical Evaluation Methods, developed by Thai local university


Chaptet-5. Master Plan on Overall Industrial Chemicals Regulation Until 2026

2020-08-17 15:30:00

Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH ENGINEERING will be invited as speaker for Fukuoka Asia Business Center, a part of Fukuoka Provincial Government, Japan. He is going to explain tips on business way in Thailand based on Thai culture.


The webinar will be held from 17:00 to 18:00 (Japan Standard Time) on September 29th.


aug 17 2020 contents webinar.png


You are able to apply the webinar from the website at:


Note that language is Japanese.

2020-07-25 16:44:00

On June 22nd, The Department of Industrial Works (DIW), released

a New Inventory Data Base.  The Data Base includes 11,474 substances.

So the Preliminary Data Base had already repealed.


DIW introduced new criteria for General Chemicals (GC), Low Concerned

Chemicals (LCC), Chemicals of Concerned (CoC) and Chemicals of High Concerned (CHC)

to prepare Priority Chemicals List and Toxicity[1]  Chemicals List for further stricter

management of hazardous chemicals.


It is noted that the Data Base is still under development by only DIW.


[1] Chemical risk management methods, developed by Thai people will be used

to identify toxic substances from The Priority List including LCC or CoC or CHC.