2023-05-27 13:00:00

 Every indicator on covid-related is surging drastically.

pdf May_27_2023_covid_tha.pdf (0.19MB)


2023-05-06 10:59:00





2023-04-17 14:44:00

HS-TECH ENGINEERING was requested from a publishing company to introduce Safety Data Sheet and Label requirements in ASEAN countries on a book. Some countries including Singapore and Indonesia recently adopted the 7th version of GHS in SDS and label elements with some specific local interpretation. Additionally, Department of Industrial Works (DIW) Thailand requires players to submit / notify hazardous substances information based on the new criteria related to the LIST 5.6 by June 30th.


Table Current and previous version of notification methods (DIW, Thailand)



NOTE: The table does not cover the all.

2023-04-10 11:35:00


The carbon tax introduction is now under discussion against 3 sectors (energy, transport and industry), generating large portion of CO2 in Thailand by Tax Planning Bureau of the Excise Department, the Ministry of Finance.


No details are available such as the amount of tax impose, discussions will be completed by the end of 2023.



Thailand is committed to achieving its goals of carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2063. Furthermore, Climate Change Act is also under way of considerations.


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Bangkok, Thailand

2023-03-27 19:51:00







1 各種指標の推移

1.1 新型コロナ(重症者・人工呼吸器装着者・死者)

1.2 主要国からの入国者数(2022年)

1.3 主要国からの入国者(20231月)


2 昆虫食

2.1 食用昆虫に関する食料安全面からの考察(世界食糧計画レポート)

2.2 タイの昆虫食

2.3 バンコク都・県内・一人当たりの総生産

2.4 タイ国内における昆虫類の摂取と疾病・死亡者

2.5 ラオス人の昆虫食普及率とタイ人?

2.6 昆虫食とヒスタミン中毒











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