2024-01-09 12:55:00
Notification_DIW_THAILAND_SDS_mandatory_2022.pdf (0.27MB)
Notification_DIW_THAILAND_SDS_2023.pdf (0.17MB)
2024-01-05 16:01:00
The Department of Industrial Work, DIW obliges to prepare Thai SDS for players who handle hazardous chemicals in Thailand by April 25th, 2024.
The two Notifications are the basis of the obligation.
Just note to remind you that suppliers of hazardous chemicals cannot avoid the requirements.
Notification_DIW_THAILAND_SDS_mandatory_2022.pdf (0.27MB)
Notification_DIW_THAILAND_SDS_2023.pdf (0.17MB)
Please contact:
2023-12-15 12:16:00
No. | Field | Question | Answer |
1 | Basics | What are the (chemical) substances for which Thai SDS creation is mandatory? | Chemicals containing hazardous substances as defined in the Hazardous Substances Act, etc, determined by chemical name, CAS number, cut-off value, etc. |
2 | Basics | Who is responsible for SDS preparation, plant owners? | Factories in certain industries as defined in the Factories Act. |
3 | Basics | Who is responsible for the SDS, supplier of hazardous chemicals? | Suppliers who supply hazardous substances to the specific factories must be responsible for preparation of Thai SDS |
4 | Basics | We have a lot of chemicals and we don't know which ones are subject to Thai SDS mandates. | The components of your company's chemicals are extracted from HS-TECH's datasets (e.g. Hazardous Substances Act, Health and Safety at Work Environment Act, etc.) by CAS number or text string to check whether Thai SDSs are mandatory or not. |
5 | Basics | If the Thai SDS has not been prepared by April 25 and the supervisory authority points out the illegal situation, what to do after that? | Actions need to be taken to avoid direct punishment and to bring the matter to guidance/recommendation. Example 1) Prepare documentation that clearly states that the Thai SDS preparation work is in progress and that the completion date and time are clear. Example 2) Skills and performance of the Thai SDS preparer. |
6 | Basics | What is the problem with the way of description on non-disclosure of ingredients on SDS? | In SDS Section 3 'Composition Information on Ingredients', a number of notations are found that do not comply with the guidance of the Ministry of Industry. The product cannot clear customs as it is. |
7 | Basics | Isn't this common in Thailand, where the Thai government creates regulations but is not strict in the actual operational phase? | The Ministry of Industry is getting serious after the public outcry caused by the massive explosion and fire at a Taiwanese chemical plant. On-site inspections will be stepped up. |
8 | Basics | I don't know if the "Worldwide SDS" that we have covers Thai laws and regulations. | For example. Check SDS section 15 'Regulatory Information'. The SDS needs to be revised if Thailand-related laws and regulations are not yet mentioned. |
9 | Basics | Does HS-TECH have a guide on hazardous chemicals in Thailand? | HS-TECH can provide clients with a guidebook, entitled 'Recent Developments in the Regulation of Hazardous Substances in Industrial Chemicals under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Industrial Works (DIW)' and other documents for a little fee. |
10 | Penalty | How much is the fine? | Up to 200,000 baht/case |
11 | Penalty | How much is the fine? | If it is found to be malicious, it may also result in imprisonment. |
12 | Penalty | How much is the fine? | Companies that receive tax benefits, such as corporate tax exemptions, must be the first priority of inspection by Thai Governments. |
13 | Quality | What is E Grade (Excellent) of Thai SDS? | Revision of deliverables (up to two times), including SDS layout adjustments, as pointed out by the client. |
14 | Quality | What is S Grade (Standard) of Thai SDS? | The client is responsible for the detailed appearance and layout adjustments of the Thai SDS. The client is requested to inspect the Thai SDS at the same time as delivery. However, obvious typographical errors and omissions in Thai will be corrected if pointed out. |
15 | Quality | Is there a problem with Thai SDS quality compared to other companies? | HS-TECH provides S grade (Standard) or E grade (Excellent) of Thai SDA according to quality and request by client. |
16 | Quality | Is there a problem with Thai SDS quality compared to other companies? | HS-TECH will, if necessary, consults the cooperation and advice of academics in this field. |
17 | Quality | What about the quality of local companies that provide Thai SDS? | Our second opinion works and other works observed that the quality of local companies (several of them) Thai SDS were extremely low. |
18 | Quality | How is the quality of the Thai version of the SDS creation tool / software? | The Thai SDS quality, generated by the tool / software is inferior to our Standard grade quality. |
19 | Quality | Which of revised GHS Thai edition does HS-TECH adopt when creating Thai SDS? | HS-TECH basically conforms to the GHS Revision 3rd edition. However, due to subsequent developments in Thai, HS-TECH handles the client's requests flexibly. |
20 | Quality | Is it possible for client to revise only Chapter 15, Regulatory Information? | YES. HS-TECH covers all relevant Thai regulations, including Hazardous Substances Act, the Health and Safety Workplace Environment Act and the Process Safety Management Regulations. |
21 | Quality | Can client check the quality of SDS, created by HS-TECH? | HS-TECH can provide clients with half-page of Thai SDS. |
22 | Quality | Is it possible to handle regular maintenance of the Thai SDS? | HS-TECH continuously monitors around 60 Thai regulations as well as the ones in various countries. Regulatory monitoring services are available on request. |
23 | Price | Is it possible to get a discount? | HS-TECH must be flexible in price setting, based on inspection / payment terms / quality (S, E grade) |
24 | Price | How much does it cost to create a Thai SDS? | Contact us. We will do our best to cope with your requests. |
25 | Backgrounds | Why is the Thai SDS creation mandatory? | The Ministry of Industry and the relevant regulatory authorities were severely reprimanded by Thai society for their inadequate response to a major fire and explosion at a chemical plant in Thailand. |
26 | Delivery | How long does it take to create a Thai SDS? | It takes around several days; We do not use SDS auto-generation tools or softwares. However, in the case of scratch, it depends on the status of the components of the chemicals. |
27 | Delivery | What can clients do to streamline delivery times? | Please provide SDS in a Microsoft Word file. |
28 | Delivery | What can clients do to streamline delivery times? | Please provide the number of SDS and the total number of components of the chemicals |
29 | Delivery | Is it possible to create a Thai SDS from the information of only ingredients? | Thai SDSs from scratch can also be created by HS-TECH. |
30 | Contract agreement | Confidential agreement | HS-TECH can provide you with a template of contract (in English). |
31 | HS-TECH | Outlines of HS-TECH in chemical management services. | HS-TECH is providing risk management support and overseas development support services in ASEAN and India. ■Feature 1: 'Trends in Chemicals Regulation in India', Journal of Chemicals Management, Vol.06 No. 12, Tokyo, 2022 |
32 | HS-TECH | Outlines of HS-TECH in chemical management services. | Web Seminar: Q&A on chemicals in Thailand (50 minutes for each company), hosted by Technohill Co. |
33 | HS-TECH | Outlines of HS-TECH | Independent consulting company established in Thailand in March 2013. |
2023-12-07 14:54:00
No. | 区 分 | 質 問 | HS-TECHの回答(例) |
1 | 法律 | SDS作成が義務化された化学物質とは何ですか | 有害物質法等に規定された有害物質を含む化学品。化学物質名、CAS番号、カットオフ値などから判断します。 |
2 | 法律 | SDS作成は誰が実施するのですか(工場運営者ですか?) | 工場法で定められた「特定の業種の工場」 |
3 | 法律 | SDS作成は誰が実施するのですか(有害化学品の供給者ですか?) | 「特定の業種の工場」に有害化学品を納入する供給者として、タイ語SDSを通じて情報告知の義務があります。 |
4 | 法律 | 当社には化学品がたくさんあって、どの製品がSDS義務化対象製品かわかりません。 | HS-TECHが保有するデータセット(有害物質法、安全衛生職場環境法等)から、御社の化学品の成分を、CAS番号や文字列により抽出し、SDS義務化の有無を確認します。 |
5 | 法律 | 4月25日までSDS作成が未達で、監督官庁からその事態を指摘された場合、その後の対応 | 直罰を避け、指導/勧告へ持ち込むための対応が必要。 例1)SDS作成作業が進行中であり、完了日時が明確であることを明示できる書類を準備すること。 例2)SDS作成者のスキル、実績 |
6 | 法律 | 成分情報が非開示であることの不具合 | SDS 第3項 「組成及び成分情報」で、工業省の指導に準拠しない表記が多数、見られます。このままでは通関できません。 |
7 | 法律 | タイはいつものことで、規制は作るが実際の運用段階では厳しくないのではありませんか。 | 台湾系化学工場の大規模爆発火災事故による社会的非難を浴びた工業省は本気です。立入検査も強化されるでしょう。 |
8 | 法律 | 当社が保有している「世界共通版SDS」がタイ法規を網羅しているか、わかりません。 | 例)SDS 15項「適用法令」を確認してください。タイ関連法規制が未記載であれば、SDSの改訂が必要です。 |
9 | 法律 | タイの有害化学品に関するガイドはありませんか。 | 弊社が作成した『産業規制局(DIW)が管轄する工業化学品にかかる有害物質規制の最新動向』等を頒布可能です。 |
10 | 罰則 | 罰金はいくらくらいですか | 最大20万バーツ/事案 |
11 | 罰則 | 罰金はいくらくらいですか | 悪質とされた場合、懲役も併科される可能性があります。 |
12 | 罰則 | 罰金はいくらくらいですか | 法人税等で税制恩典を受けている企業は狙い撃ちされる可能性があります。 |
13 | 品質 | Eグレード(Excellent)とは | SDSのレイアウト調整を含め、クライアントのご指摘により、成果物の修正(2回まで)を行います。 |
14 | 品質 | S グレード(Standard)とは | SDSの細かな体裁レイアウト調整などは、クライアント側で実施していただきます。納品とともにご検収いただくことが条件です。 ただし、明らかなタイ語の誤字脱字はご指摘により修正します。 |
15 | 品質 | 他社と比べてSDS品質に問題ないですか | 弊社はSDS品質により、S グレード(Standard)及びEグレード(Excellent)をご提供いたします。 |
16 | 品質 | 他社と比べてSDS品質に問題ないですか | 必要に応じてこの分野の学識経験者の協力、アドバイスを受けます。 |
17 | 品質 | SDS作成・地場企業の品質はどうですか | 弊社のセカンドオピニオン業務などにより、地場企業(数社)の品質が甚だしく低いことを確認しています。 |
18 | 品質 | タイ語版SDS作成ツールの品質はどうですか | ツールが生成したSDS品質は、弊社のStandardグレード品より劣ります。 |
19 | 品質 | タイ語版SDS作成においては、準拠するGHSの版数は | 基本はGHS改訂第3版ですが、その後の動きもあることから、弾力的に対応しています。 |
20 | 品質 | SDS 15項「適用法令」のみを改訂したいのですが。 | タイの有害物質法、安全衛生職場環境法、プロセスセーフティーマネジメント規則など、関係法令を網羅します。 |
21 | 品質 | HS-TECH ENGINEERINGが作成した サンプル品を確認できますか。 |
半ページ程度でご提供可能です。 |
22 | 品質 | タイ語版SDSの定期的メンテナンスにも対応可能ですか。 | 約60のタイ国内法規制を定期モニターしています。ご要望があれば、対応いたします。 |
23 | 費用 | 値引きは可能ですか | 検収条件、支払条件、品質(Sグレード、Eグレード)により弾力的に対応いたします。 |
24 | 費用 | SDS一件当たりの作成費用はいくらですか | お問い合わせください。できる限り対応いたします。 |
25 | 背景 | なぜ、SDS作成が義務化されたのですか | 化学工場の大規模火災爆発事故への対応不備を工業省や関係監督官庁がタイ社会から厳しく叱責されたため。 |
26 | 納期 | 納期を短縮するため、どのようなことを すれば良いですか |
マイクロソフト ワードファイルでSDSをご提供下さい。 |
27 | 納期 | 納期を短縮するため、どのようなことを すれば良いですか |
SDSの件数及び成分総数をご提示下さい。 |
28 | 納期 | 成分表しかありませんが、タイ語版SDSの作成は可能ですか。 | スクラッチからのタイ語版SDSの作成も対応できます。 |
29 | 契約 | 秘密保持 | 契約書(英文)の雛形をご提示いたします。 |
30 | 企業紹介 | HS-TECH ENGINEERINGの化学品関連活動 | ASEAN、インドにおいてリスクマネジメント支援、海外展開支援業務を展開しています。 ■特集1: 「インドにおける化学物質規制の動向」、化学物質管理、情報機構、2022年7月 |
31 | 企業紹介 | HS-TECH ENGINEERINGの化学品関連活動 | タイの化学物質に関するQ&A(各社50分)、(株)テクノヒル様主催 |
32 | 企業紹介 | HS-TECH ENGINEERINGの概要 | 2013年3月、タイで設立した独立系コンサルティング会社。 |
2023-12-05 16:33:00
Thai SDS preparation is mandatory starting from April 25th, 2024.
Questions on Thai SDS Preparation | Answer by HS-TECH |
What can clients do to shorten the delivery time? | Please provide us with the SDS in Microsoft Word File. |
What can clients do to shorten the delivery time? | Please provide us with the number of SDS(s) and the number of ingredients |
SDS quality, compared with competitor's SDS quality | HS-TECH provides clients with S grade or E grade level of SDS, based on the requirements of clients. |
SDS quality, compared with competitor's SDS quality | If necessary, HS-TECH can consult Thai expertise in academia. |
SDS quality, prepared by local consultancies | HS-TECH has confirmed that the quality of local competitors is extremely low compared to our second opinion review. |
How about quality or output, generated by ERP or software? | In our limited knowledge, it is inferior to our S-grade quality |
Which GHS version is applied to SDS preparation | HS-TECH follows the GHS 3rd revision and additional information. |
Is it possible to edit ONLY the SECTION 15, Regulatory Information of SDS | YES |
Definition on hazardous chemicals (products), defined by Thai regulation? | Based on Hazardous Substance Act |
Who is responsible for preparation of Thai SDS? | "Factories in specific industries" stipulated by the Factory Act |
Who is responsible for the preparation of Thai SDS? | companies who supply hazardous chemicals to a particular factory are responsible in preparation of SDS as suppliers |
We (clients) handle lots of chemicals and don't know which chemicals fall under Thai regulations. | HS-TECH extracts hazardous ingredients from the client's data in CAS number search method. |
If the SDS has not been prepared by April 25 and the supervisory authority points out the situation, what to do after that by factory owners? | It is necessary to take measures to avoid direct punishment and bring it to guidance/recommendation by Thai Government. Example 1) Prepare documents that clearly indicate that the SDS preparation work is in progress and that the completion date and time are clear. Example 2) Skills and achievements of SDS creators got involved in the job. |
In compliance with the description of undisclosed ingredients in CBI rule | In SDS Section 3 "Ingredient Information", there are many notations that do not comply with the guidance of the Ministry of Industry. |
As is often the case with Thailand, stricter regulation but implementation is not so stringent. |
The Ministry of Industry, which has been subjected to social condemnation, is serious. On-site inspections will also be strengthened |
I (client) don't know if the "Worldwide SDS" that my company has covers Thai laws and regulations. | e.g. Please review SDS Section 15 "Regulatory Information". If Thailand-related laws and regulations are not listed, the SDS needs to be revised. |
How much is the fine? | Up to 200,000 baht/case |
How much is the fine? | If it is found to be malicious, imprisonment may also be imposed |
How much is the fine? | Companies that receive tax benefits such as corporate tax may be targeted. |
What are the reasons why Thai SDS preparation become mandatory? | The Ministry of Industry was severely reprimanded by Thai society for its inadequate response to large-scale fires and explosions at chemical factories. |
Confidential agreement between client and HS-TECH. | HS-TECH has a template of the Confidential agreement between parties. |