2022-10-04 09:53:00

On October 3rd, BNN Bloomberg [1] released that Federal Union Prime Minister, Modi announced a $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure development plan to snatch factories to India from China. The Plan includes digital platform which enables 16 of Union Ministry to integrate, railway, road and port, etc.


In August, the Biden Administration enacted the Chips & Science Act [2], which provides $54.2 billion in financial assistance and domestic human resource development to attract semiconductor factories to the United States. Companies that receive loans under this law will not be able to manufacture advanced memory in China for 10 years from the day they receive the loans.


What will Korean semiconductor companies with factories in China address? It seems likely that a tremor that surpasses. What will Korean semiconductor companies with factories in China address? It is highly likely that a tremor that surpasses the Japan-U.S. semiconductor friction of 1987 will erupt between the U.S. and China. of 1987 will erupt between the U.S. and China.


The supply chain related to semiconductor manufacturing, including that of Japan, is also likely to change drastically. Is this a good opportunity for India?






HS-TECH ENGINEERING (based in Bangkok) supports clients' business expansion and manufacturing in India through our robust networks in India.




Hashimoto Shinya (Mr.)

2022-10-03 11:42:00

103日付ブルームバーグ電子版 [1] によればモディ首相(インド)は中国にある工場をインドに移転させるため、1.2兆ドルのインフラ整備等に関する計画を発表した。インフラ整備計画には、関連するインド連邦の16の省をデジタルプラットフォームで統合すること、鉄道、道路、港湾の整備等のプロジェクトがひしめいている。


一方、米国バイデン政権は8月、Chips & Science Act [2] を発効させ、米国内での半導体工場の誘致に向けた資金援助および国内人材育成に542億ドルを投下する。この法律による融資を受けた企業は、融資を受けた当日から10年間、中国で先端メモリーの生産ができなくなる。中国に工場展開している韓国系半導体企業等はいかなる対応を取るのだろうか。まさに1987年頃の「日米半導体摩擦」を超える激震が米中間に勃発しそうな状況だ。 








HS-TECH ENGINEERING(在、バンコク)はインドでのネットワークを駆使して、クライアントのインド展開およびモノづくりをサポート致します。







2022-09-25 10:48:00

Mr. Hashimoto, President of HS-TECH Engineering was invited a guest speeker for a webinar, conducted by Fukuoka Asia Business Center.


He is going to explain the key points of doing business in Thailand.

Date and time:  October 18th, from 17:00 - 18:00 (GMT+7)


Fee: Free of charge


Registration: visit



1. Outlook on Thai economy, culture, corona indicators, number of trabellers from abroad, monthly wage by age band, foreign direct investment

2. National Strategic Plan

3. Carbon Nuetral by 2065

4. Aging Thai Society

5. Overseas Expansion and Company Positioning

6. Summary


2022-09-25 10:38:00




期日、時間 1018日、17時~18時(日本時間)












2022-09-22 16:56:00

The Department of Industrial Works, DIW Thailand held two days of seminar at Queen Sirikit National Convention center, Bangkok during September 15 and 16th.

Reporting requirements for hazardous substances were mentiond below.


The first date



Sep. 15th


9:00 – 12:00


The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok.




Professional Hazardous Substance Permission

1. Mr.Jirodom Turitakom

1. Hazardous Substance Act.

2. Tippawan Kaewsuwan

2. Hazardous Substance Registration.

3. Rattikarn Thampanya

3. Requesting permission through the HSSS system.


The second date


Sep. 15th


13:00 – 16:00


The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok.



Opening ceremony of academic seminars and exhibitions

Mr.Supakit Boonsiri

Deputy Director General


Safety Measures Law on Chemical Management in Factory and Information System for Chemical Safety Management in Industrial Factory

1. Pattamawan Khunprasert

Overview of the law

2. Krittiya Meanjai

Summary of the Notification of the Ministry of Industry regarding Safety Measures on Chemical Management in Industrial Plants, B.E. 2565 (2022)

3. Kanittha Jaijong

How to use Information system for chemical safety management in industrial plants





 Reporting Requirements


Regulatory requirements

Reporting format

Due date

Producer, importer

Notification of Ministry of Industry: Registration of Hazardous Substance, Issuance and Renewal of Registration Certificate Listed under Responsibility of Department of Industrial Works B.E. 2552


Form WoAo./AoKo.1 [Application for registration of hazardous substance]

Form WoAo./AoKo.2 [Certificate of Registration of Hazardous Substance]

Form WoAo./AoKo.3 [Safety Data Sheet]

Form WoAo./AoKo.4 [Renewal of hazardous substance registration]


Registration license is 6 years.







Within 90 days before the expiration date.

Producer, importer, exporter, and possessor

Notification of Department of Industrial Works: Criteria and procedure for submission of a declaration form, issuance of a declaration receipt, submission of a renewal form and renewal of a declaration receipt for the operations concerning with hazardous substance type 2 under authority of the Department of Industrial Works

WoAo/AoKo 5 Form [Declaration of the Hazardous Substance Type 2

(Under authorization of Department of Industrial Works)]

WoAo/AoKo 5/1 Form [Renewal of Declaration Receipt of the Hazardous Substance Type 2(under authorization of Department of Industrial Works)]

Specified period but does not exceed 3 years.






Within 90 days before the expiration date.

Importer, Exporter

Notification of Ministry of Industry: Declaration of the production or import of hazardous substances of List 5.6 under the responsibility of Department of Industrial Works B.E. 2565 (2022)

WoAo/AoKo.32 Form

During January-December, report within 30 June of the following year

Producer, importer, exporter, and possessor

Notification of the Ministry Re: Declaration of production, importers, exporters, or possessing Hazardous Substances that the Department of Industrial Works is authorized responsible (No. 2) B.E.2563


WoAo/AoKo.7 Form

2 time in each year. During January-June (report within in July) and July-December (report within in January)

Producer, importer, exporter, and possessor

Notification of Ministry of Industry: Designation of a Specialized Person Responsible for Safety of Hazardous Substance Storage under Authorization of Department of Industrial Works at the Hazardous Substance Business Facility B.E. 2551

Notification of Department of Industrial Works: Criteria and Method for Notifying and Registration of Specialized Person Responsible for Safety Storage of Hazardous Substance under Authorization of Department of Industrial Works and Reporting of Safety Storage of Hazardous Substance B.E.2565









Annual Hazardous Substance Storage Safety Report Form (Bor Chor 6)









Within 31 March of the following year.

Producer, importer

Notification of Ministry of Industry: Hazard Classification and Communication System of Hazardous Substances B.E. 2555

shall follow the requirement on hazard classification and communication system of hazardous substance