Date: November 13th, 2017.
Venue: Winsor Suites & Convention Hotel Bangkok
Capt. Thaned Juntaklin (ร้อยเอกธเนศ จันทกลิ่น), Deputy Director - General of DIW
Mrs. Jariya Mitroupathump (นางจริยา มิตรอุปถัมภ์), DIW
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sarisak Soontornchai (รศ.ดร.ศริศักดิ์ สุนทรไชย),Sukhothai Thammathirat University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanipan Budyee (ผศ.ดร. ชนิพรรณ บุตรยี่), Mahidol University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Pharrunrat Tanaviyutpakdee (ผศ.ดร. ปรัญรัชต์ ธนวิยุทธภักดี), Mahidol University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Pensri Watchalayan (ผศ.ดร.เพ็ญศรี วัจฉละญาณ), Thammasat University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanipan Budyee (อ.ดร.รจนา ชุณหบัณฑิต), Mahidol University
Dr. Songsak Srianuichat (รศ.ดร. ทรงศักดิ์ ศรีอนุชาต), Thailand Risk Assessment Center: TRAC
Ms. Sirintip Budda (นางสาวสิรินทิพย์ บุดดา), Thailand Risk Assessment Center: TRAC
A joint sponsored one-day seminar by the Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand and Mahidol University is going to be held at Winsor Suites Hotel Bangkok on November 13th.
The main topics are introduction on risk assessment procedures and current status on GHS for industrial chemicals which are under responsibility of DIW. It might be expected that the seminar would be second one in 2017.
A staff of HS-TECH ENGINEERING will also join it and outline the key points on our web site.
You are able to get original materials in PDF form which were used in the Haz Chem Seminar at DIW, Thailand by clicking
portions highlighted in blue;
Example for Confidential Business Information Application Letter
diw application cbi.pdf (0.12MB)
diw application cbi2.pdf (0.13MB)
CBI Presentation Material
diw CBI_presentation1.pdf (0.21MB)
Opening Remarks
In case of CBI application, DIW receives huge amount of submissions from lots of companies and delayed judgement period from expected 4 months to one year. DIW observes many misunderstanding / errors in handling consultation online procedure and application information, inputted by applicants on the DIW’s web site.
A minute is dounloadable when clicking below;
minute seminar diw Sep 19th.pdf (0.58MB)
All information provided in official HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. Web site is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on official company websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. makes no guarantees of any kind. In no event shall the HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource.
Shinya Hashimoto, President
HS-TECH ENGINEERING has just completed a job for a major chemical company to apply for polymer to PICCS [1]. The company was listed on the C&EN’s Global Top 50 [2]. The mission took around one and half year including PMPIN [3] in support of local consultancy.
[1] The Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS)
[3] Manufacturing and Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN)