A guide book on procedures of hazardous substances import to Thailand will be published soon at Tokyo.
Readers of the book will clearly grasp the complicated procedures with plain English by experts in this field who live in Thailand.
HS-TECH was planner for this publishing project.
Mr. Hashimoto will deliver presentation entitled 'Prediction of Air Quality due to emission of greenhouse gases from an Automobile Industry’ with Mr. Sharad, a business partner for HS-TECH ENGINEERING and CEO of fluidyn, France at Session 4: Air Pollution & Odor Control for 3W EXPO 2015 in BITEC on January 30th.
3W Expo 2015, an International Exhibition on Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment and Waste Treatment Technologies and Management during 29-31 January 2015 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand.
International Exhibition on Chemical & Process Engineering and Pollution Engineering will be held during 29-31 January 2015 at the same place.
You can check details of the conference in 3W EXPO at;
Thailand governments (Pollution Control Department, Department of Industrial Works and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been taking initiatives, called 'Pollutant Release, Transfer & Register (PRTR) Pilot Project' in Rayong Province, locates on the south eastern region of Thailand.
Key components in this project are as follows;
- Develop calculation methods to estimate amount of release and transfer of hazardous chemicals, designated by the Pilot Project [Completed].
- Submit data voluntarily to government by polluters who belong to industrial sectors, based on the 'calculation methods' for each industrial categories [Ongoing].
- Grasp amount of release, transfer chemicals from various sectors including industry, house, hospital, vehicle etc [Ongoing].
Example: Data Validation Meeting at headquarters of Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT)
- Share information on chemicals with various stakeholders through RISK COMMUNICATION MEETINGS in Rayong area with facilitator and chemicals adviser who have specific knowledge on management of this kinds of meeting and chemicals [Ongoing].
- Build basic scheme (plan) on PRTR system to mitigate environmental impacts in Thailand, associated with chemicals by means of various policy mixture [Ongoing].
If you want to know more details of PRTR, please conect with
- Shinya Hashimoto,
Managing Director, HS-TECH ENGINEERING Co., Ltd.
TEL; 0915454896
SVI was ordered closed for 60 days for damage assessment and safety inspection by Industry Minister, Chakramon Phasukvanich on October 12.
Thai lnguage version is available to click on here ; SVI Fire Thai Nov 24.pdf (0.4MB)
Damage was initially estimated at more than 500 million baht due to the fire at SVI Co., expected to cause by sparks from welder’s torches or something [1]
SVI Co. makes electronics parts for CCTV cameras at the Bang Kradi Industrial Estate in Pathumthani, Thailand. The fire happened at the 200×300 meters plant. Two female workers were injured from suffocation. The poisonous fumes from the fire forced rescue officials and plant security to evacuate all 600 workers who worked at other plants nearby[2].
Police investigators speculate that the source of the fire might have originated from sparks from welders torches that could have spattered on to flammable electronic components and setting them on fire.The deputy director–general of the Department of Industrial Works, Sakda Phankla insists that the noxious odor emanating from the factory was not chemical. The stocks of chemical such as alcohols and thinners are safe and were not burnt and have been moved to a safe location[3].
Due to safety concerns, authorities from the Pollution Control Department is closely monitoring fumesfrom the factory that may pose a health threat as some acidic gases have been detected. He warns that these gases could detrimentally affect the human respiratory system if more than one hour exposure is experienced[3].
We are able to point out risks, accosiated with chemicals in your production lines, ware houses etc.
We are able to make countermeasures to mitigate chemicals risk.
An example of the RISK ASSESSMENT can be seen by clicking the link below;
Risk mitigation countermeasure (0.39MB)
Organization’s various risks Thai version a.pdf (0.13MB)
Have you ever seen the way on how to simulate gases dispersion and heat flux, associated with fire? We are able to make model to estimate damage area in 3 dimensional way by using state of the art computer technologies with PANFIRE, provided by fluidyn Co.
SOURCE: fluidyn Co., France
คุณศศิธร ตรีภาค (Fern)
Technology specialist
โทร 092-223-7536
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คุณสุนิษา ธรรมพรต (Bee)
Account & Marketing Representative
โทร 091-557-9303
E-mail :
ที่อยู่ของบริษัท 1108/41 ถนนสุขุมวิท , พระโขนง , คลองเตย , กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110.
In May 30th, Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA) in Japan disclosed a report that petro-chemical complexes have five times increase in the number of fire, explosion etc. related accidents compared to 20 year ago. There were 248 of accidents in 2013 except for accidents caused by earthquake.
Some newspapers pointed out that knowledge on plant operation methods did not transfer from matured staffs to young staffs very much.
You can down load the report to click on the link below, only available for Japanese version.
Please get in touch with us if you want to know the details of the accidents in Japan
05_houdoushiryou .pdf (1.39MB)