2017-02-17 21:28:00

We are going to take eleven days of long holiday between April 6th and 16thThe period includes Songkran Festival, which is one of the most sacred event for Buddhist in Thailand.


We will come back to our office on April 17th.

Sincerely yours.



Hashimoto, President

2016-12-28 10:08:00

We realized that Thai Language version of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) was necessary for consultation on line application to get judgement whether a product was hazard or not from Hazardous Substance Control Bureau (HSCB), DIW, Thailand. On the other hand, yesterday, we required to submit English version of SDS. We heard that key officer in HSCB, DIW claimed in some seminars that Thai version was 'MUST' in Bangkok.  (?_?)  


Could you provide me with your example or issues?  I will compile them and disclose to the public in securing your confidentiality.



NOTE: HS-TECH ENGINEERING is a professional in preparation of SDS for clients.


2016-12-16 11:20:00

DIW announced a new notice on November 9th that definition of the new substances in Thai market will be clarified through open discussion etc. with various stakeholders in the near future.


Then the new policy on custom clearance for new substances might not be applied immediately from the next January. Furthermore, efforts in the development of existing chemicals inventory will still be continued in 2017.


What is the definition of existing chemicals?



Does the Preliminary of Thailand Existing Chemical Inventory Data Base or the NEXT EDITION OF THE INVENTORY DATA BASE cover substance / product which will be applied in 2017?


Most of the negotiation and instruction was  made on the table between officers of DIW and applicants of chemicals or products.


Few information / guidance has launched on the web site of DIW. It seems to me that it was typical culture in Thai , far from the legal procedures in the countries which have already installed the same kinds of regulation.

2016-12-10 11:38:00

Hazardous Substance Control Bureau (HSCB) announced an important document regarding CBI request on November 9th. The notice mentioned that DIW will not receive any CBI application document from December 1st when inconsistencies will be made in trade name for SDS, scan data etc. which were sent to DIW.

2016-10-05 12:10:00

Key officers of Hazardous Substance Control Bureau (HSCB), Department of Industrial Works (DIW), the Ministry of Industry, Thailand delivered some important presentations concerning about the introduction on the progress of the existing chemicals inventory system, called ‘Preliminary Inventory Data Base (PIDB)’ including procedures on notification system for substances / products during September 7th and 8th in Bangkok.


September 8th

Half day seminar, held by DIW: Criteria and Procedures of New Hazardous Substance Law and Amendment of mercury and its derivatives management’, held on September 8th at DIW, Bangkok.


You are able to access the existing chemicals on the HSCB’s web site by inputting;

1) CAS number for single substances  or

2) Company name and trade mane for each product.


An officer of HSCB realized that it was challenging for researchers to search data from the PIDB through inputting company name and trade mane. The PIDB requires correctness and consistencies for each company name and trade mane.

seminar DIW sept 8 bangkok.jpg

A portion of the minute, prepared by HS-TECH 


Note: PIDB system rejects to access the data base when huge number of accesses will be occurred due to limited server capacity and / or security issues in DIW buildings. HSCB acknowledges the problem and countermeasures will be implemented soon or under construction.


September 7th

One day seminar with Ms. Somsri, Bureau Director for HSCB, held by a private company entitled 'Dangrenous Goods Risk Management 2016, Are you a risk lover?' in Bangkok.





Major topics;


  1. Update Hazardous Substance Act

  2. Update Hazardous Substance Single Submission (HSSS)

  3.  Notification of Ministry of Industry, Subject Hazardous substance list 2015

  4.  Update expenses, fines of customs