2014-06-24 20:39:00

How to identify contaminated area with NH3 gas and how to

address critical situation, in case of a huge amount of NH3 gas leak?


Our Solution: Real Time Dispersion Simulation


[Back grounds]

Your site has already installed gas monitoring system which covers indoor and

outdoor area in case when toxic/flammable gases leak will be occurred.

The key device of detecting toxic/flammable gases are sensors. Most parts of

your drills might be mentioned the countermeasures on how to prevent from



[Reguratory Status in Thailand]

Department of Industrial Works, The Ministry of Industry is considering

issuing a ministerial regulation that will mandate factories to acquire an

insurance covering 3rd party protection against various accidents.

January 30, 2014 by Thai Financia Post,


Thai Financial post



  [Detecting Devices]

You know that there’re so many kinds of sensors developed such as;


l  Metal Oxide Based Gas Sensors,

l  Capacitance Based Gas Sensors

l  Acoustic Wave Based Gas Sensors

l  Calorimetric Gas Sensors

l  Optical gas sensors

l  Electrochemical gas sensors


Some detectors are damaged when high concentration dose will be induced to

the detectors. Take example for Ammonia [1], typical electrochemical

ammonia detector will be able to detect only up to 100 - 300 ppm.

Photoionization detector (PID) might be a solution to solve this problem.


[1] NIOSH Pocket guide to Chemical Hazards []

Time Weighted Average: 25ppm

Short term Exposure Limit: 35ppm

Immediate Danger to life and Health: 300ppm

Lower Explosive Limit: 15% (150,000ppm)


[Explosion in the United States]



Fig. NH3 Release caused Catastrophic Vessel Failure and Death

at D.D. Williamson&Co., KENTUCKY, USA 2003



[Identify Affected Area in Your Site After Accidents]

How to identify contaminated area with NH3 gas and how to address critical

situation, in case of a huge amount of NH3 gas leak in concentration of above

300 ppm at your site, according to your emergency drills?


 [Our Solution]

We propose to use Real Time Dispersion Simulation Method in identifying

critical area in your site. Please visit the web site at; 



Please contact with;


Hashimoto, Mobile:+66(0) 91 545 4896,
fern, Mobile :+66(0)92 223 7536,  (Technology Specialist)
Bee, Mobile : +66(0)91 557 9303,
m (Account & Marketing Representative)

2014-06-21 09:40:00

RISK COMMUNICATION SEMINAR for INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS was held on June 20th at Interchage 21 Buiding, Bangkok




Risk communication was a key item for Pollutant Release/ Transfer and Register (PRTR) system and it is a good chance for pollutant generators to review their production lines drastically to reduce input materials and to reduce pollutants from the end of pipes. 

PRTR initiatives will be a chance to accelrate competitiveness of Thai industries.




HS-TECH ENGINEERING would like to take a role as a Thai local provider 

not only for EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) burden mitigation 
solution but also for explosion/fire evaluation methods as well as 
productivity enhancement solution provider in keeping strong relationships 
with various sectors.


Please contact with;

Hashimoto, Mobile:+66(0) 91 545 4896,
fern, Mobile :+66(0)92 223 7536,  (Technology Specialist)
Bee, Mobile : +66(0)91 557 9303,
m (Account & Marketing Representative)

2014-06-10 07:28:00

A gas (sulphur dioxide, SO2 etc.) leak and explosion caused fire from IRPC, Rayong Thailand at around 18:00 in June 9th 2014.


Fire broken out at IRPC's combined gas and oil plant.


HS-TECH ENGINEERING is able to evaluate explosion/fire and leakage risks, caused by petro-chemical industries, using 3D software 'fluidyn-ASSESS-RISK [1] ' in collaboration with fluidyn.



You might cut down on damage insurance fee drastically by evaluating risks with fluidyn-ASSEE RISK software.


explosion fluidyn 1explosion fluidyn 2

NOTE: Figures were prepared by fluidyn Co., France


Please contact with :

Hashimoto (Mr.), or +66(0)91 545 4896 (English/Japanese)

Bee (Ms.), (Thai)



fluidyn-ASSESS-RISK is a software tool for the analysis of accident scenarios on industrial sites. The software uses the latest  UFIP(French Union of Petroleum Industries) risk assessment methodology (Blue Book) for petrochemical refineries to analyse all possible accidental scenarios on petrochemical sites by analytical and empirical methods. This UFIP methodology has been validated by INERIS (French National Institute for Environment and Risks).  

fluidyn-ASSESS-RISK is a software developed by TRANSOFT International in collaboration with the UFIP (French Union of Petroleum Industries), a major organisation of French petroleum industry.   


Useful web site


2014-06-07 13:04:00

New approach in tracing pollutant sources


We’re providing services to evaluate pollutant gas or particle dispersion from various sources. You can see SO2 dispersion graphically from stacks
in Thailand. 

SO2 dispersion (1)


SO2 dispersion (2)


On the other hand, some governments in Asian country which face critical air pollution are using 3D simulation software to find out sources of pollutant generation

Don’t you think it’s an EYE OPENER?

2014-06-04 13:38:00

There are some key factors for installation of Pollutant Release, Transfer Register (PRTR) System such as;


a) Develop methods on how to share information with various stakeholders regarding quantity of chemicals to the environment by enterprise who discharge chemicals.

b) Develop methods on how to calculate amount of pollutants from various media such as: end of pipes (stacks, etc.) in a simple way.

c)  Enhance voluntary activities by enterprises themselves to mitigate environment, safety and health concerns through this PRTR System Integration.


It will also be a good chance to review manufacturing lines to reduce input materials and cost cutting for your products with all players, indicated below.

You know complaints from QA/QC people: why do you want to review manufacturing line which are in stable good condition?



Please click on the thumbnail to download players, involved.