2021-08-23 10:30:00

The "3rd Wave of COVID-19", which broke out around the end of March, shows no signs of subsiding at all. Rather, the number of patients in serious condition, ventilated patients, and the number of deaths since mid-June (Figure 1) seems to have entered a new "The Fourth wave". Thai government simulates on the worst case that the daily number of RT PCR positive new cases will exceeds 40,000 within several months. Nobody predicts such the crucial condition at the first wave in March, 2020.


     Figure-1 Indicator of COVID-19 (From January to August, 2021)


Thai government is strongly working on four types of vaccinations with the aim of achieving population immunity by around March 2022. As of August 13, 26% (17.239 million people) of the total population received the first vaccination, 7.3% (4.855 million people) received the two shots, and 6% (414,000) of medical personnel received the booster shots (Figure 2). The share of vaccines by products was Sinovac (48.0%), AstraZineca (43.0%), Sinofarm (7.7%) and Pfizer (1.3%) (Figure 3).



                       Figure-2 Number of persons who got vaccine


                  Figure-3 Share of vaccine by product


We do believe that Thailand overcomes the situation through the continuous efforts from all sectors.