2016-01-12 19:40:00

We strongly recommend importers, producers of chemicals to notify newly categorized hazardous substances information to Hazardous Substance Control Bureau (HSCB), Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand in Thai language, using specific format: วอ./อก.๒๐ or วอ./อก.  by December 31, 2016 when these players handle or have possibilities of handling these kinds of hazardous substances.


The newly categorized hazardous substances means substances which have 10 properties below;


1. Explosive

2. Flammable substance

3. Oxidizing agent or Peroxide

4. Toxic substance

5. Mutagen

6. Corrosive

7. Irritant

8. Carcinogen

9. Toxic to reproductive organ 

10. Environmentally hazardous substance


The objective of the notification might be an approach toward establishment of existing chemicals list.


NOTE: Definition or criteria for the newly categorized hazardous substances have not yet been available in public with our best knowledge.



HSCB is now in process of renovating Hazardous Substance Control Act through the survey on existing chemicals, integration of chemicals data base and development of chemical risk assessment methods etc.


For more information or need to help our support on notification to HSCB, please get in touch with;


Hashimoto Shinya

+61905454896 (English and Japanese)


Sasiton Treeprak

+61922237536 (Thai)