blog post
2025-02-13 09:43:00
Thailand National Existing Chemical Inventory, operated by The Ministry of Industry
下表はタイ国工業省のサイトから昨年9月、偶然にもダウンロードできたエクセルベースの既存化学物質の全リストをベースに、弊社が異なるツールで作成したものです。 Hazard typeは有害物質法に基づくタイプ1から4有害物質および“付与された記号”ごとに分類されていました。
The table below is based on a comprehensive list of existing chemical substances that we had happened to download from the Thai Ministry of Industry's website last September. We created this list using different tool, named “reactable in RStudio”. The hazard types were classified according to the Hazardous Substances Act into types 1 to 4, as well as by "assigned symbols"
In this table, there were 42 substances recorded as type 1 hazardous substances, 82 as type 2, 306 as type 3, and only 4 substances as type 4 hazardous substances.