2015-08-24 04:43:00

Category type of white oil was amended from Type 3 to Type 1. Please check a notification, issed by Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand.




It should remind you that nothing clarified the threshold value of ppm or mg/L for the white oil. 


 Click on  pdf White oil, DIW (0.13MB) to know the notification by DIW.





Definitoin and legal procedures of hazardous substances, defined by a MANUAL pdf HAZ CHEM DEFINITION (0.47MB)  of Thai Food and Drug Administration;




Type 1 hazardous substance is the hazardous substance that has less impact on human health and environment than the other types. 



Manufacturers and importers are not required to register their products but product information must be notified to the authorities. Furthermore, business operators must comply with the specified criteria and procedures, such as labeling, rules and conditions for manufacturing and storage. The notifying number must be declared on product label.



Type 2 hazardous substance is the hazardous substance that has the degrees of hazards or risks higher than type 1.



Manufacturers and importers must obtain product registration certificates. Manufacturers, importers, exporters or professional use possessors of the type 2 hazardous substances must notify the authorities before the operations of type 2 hazardous substances. The hazardous substance registry number must be declared on the product label.



Type 3 hazardous substance is the hazardous substance that has the degrees of hazards or risks higher than the above entioned types.



Manufacturers and importers must obtain product registration certificates. Manufacturers, importers, exporters or professional use possessors of type 3 hazardous substances must receive the permission from the authorities before the operations of type 3 hazardous substances. The hazardous substance registry number must be declared on the product label.



Type 4 hazardous substance is the hazardous substance that has high degrees of hazards or high risks either from its applications or its intrinsic properties, e.g., carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive toxicants or prohibited substances by the related Conventions. Thus, manufacturing, import, export or possession of such substances is prohibited.

2015-08-15 04:07:00

Hazardous Substance Control Bureau, Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Thailand disclosed a notification for decision tree, which descrived a new criteria on hazardous chemicals, depending upon ten characteristics of substances below;


1. สารที่สามารถระเบิดได้ (Explosive)

2. สารไวไฟ (Flammable substance)

3. สารออกซิไดซ์ (Oxidizing agent) หรือสารเปอร์ออกไซด์ (Peroxide)

4. สารมีพิษ (Toxic substance)

5. สารที่ทำให้เกิดการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางพันธุกรรม (Mutagen)

6. สารกัดกร่อน (Corrosive)

7. สารที่ทำให้เกิดการระคายเคือง (Irritant)

8. สารก่อมะเร็ง (Carcinogen)

9. สารที่เป็นพิษต่อระบบสืบพันธุ์ (Toxic to reproductive organ)

10. สารที่เป็นอันตรายต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม (Environmentally hazardous substance) 


Major objectives of the notification were;

  • to track hazardous substances which did not include on the hazardous substance lists, issued by DIW  


  • to collect information for preparation of existing chemicals inventory in the future.

    There were some exemptions and threshold of annual volume etc.


The decision tree is available when clicking on pdf  DIW haz5.6.pdf (0.09MB). Note that the document was written in Thai language.


Please get in touch with us when you have questions.


Hashimoto (Mr.)

Mobile:+66915454896 (Japanese, English)


2015-08-11 11:10:00

Mr. Hashimoto delivered a presentation entitled 'Regulatory Status on Hazardous Chemicals in Thailand and it's Countermeasures by Enterprizes' at Tokyo on July 30th. The seminar was organized by JOHO KIKO Co., Ltd.

More than 70 people attended the seminar and shared information.



Seminar JOHO July 30 201520150811.jpg



pdf SEMINAR JOHO July 30 201520150807.pdf (0.71MB)